Privacy Policy
Marefat Ltd collects and holds personal information about you which can be used to identify an individual; this information is reasonably necessary for or related to the services we provide. The purpose of collecting personal information will usually be obvious at the time it is collected which is primarily for providing spiritual teachings and services and advocating for the development of students. Marefat Ltd will only use your personal information for the purpose it was collected or a secondary purpose still related to our services, which will be communicated to individuals Kinds of information collected Kinds of personal information Marefat Ltd collects and holds may include your name, gender, email address, phone number, date of birth, and Telegram ID.
Method of Collection
Personal information will generally be collected from you directly through our standard forms, over the internet via our website, email or written communication with you, or through a telephone conversation with you. Your partner, friends or relatives may provide some basic and general information about you prior to sign up to Marefat Ltd for pre-approval of your entrance to school.
Failure to Provide Information
If you do not wish your personal information to be collected, you should discuss this with Marefat management team who strictly adhere to this policy and will be happy to discuss the reasons for seeking to collect your personal information. They will also discuss with you any consequences of not providing your personal information, or providing incomplete or inaccurate personal information, which may have an impact on effectiveness of services Marefat Ltd can provide to you.
Use of Personal Information
Marefat Ltd takes its obligations seriously when dealing with your personal information. Marefat Ltd will collect, hold, and use personal information for purposes associated with: providing spiritual education advocating for development of students; documenting student’s learning, managing student’s current or prospective enrolment, providing you with information about our organisation, services and activities via Telegram, SMS and other school centres or organisation communication channels; and requesting information from you about our organisation and services via surveys. There may be on occasions and instances where your personal information will be collected indirectly because it is unreasonable or impractical to collect the personal information from you directly. We will usually notify you about these instances in advance, or where that is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable after the information has been collected.
Sensitive Information
In some circumstances Marefat Ltd may seek to collect personal information that is sensitive. This may include information such as your racial or ethnic origin or any cultural or religious background. We collect this information as it is reasonably necessary for ensuring the well-being, protection, and development of students. Marefat Ltd will only collect your sensitive information with your verbal or written consent communicated to us and securely stored in our system. If you do not wish your sensitive information to be collected by Marefat Ltd, you should discuss this with Marefat management team.
Marefat Ltd will only disclose your personal information for the purpose it was collected or a reasonably expected or related secondary purpose. We may disclose personal information about you to: Third party service providers, who assist us in operating our business (including credit reporting bodies, collection agencies, legal advisors and technology service providers). We will take reasonable steps to ensure these service providers do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles. These providers may be based overseas or use overseas infrastructure to perform services for us. Marefat Ltd will not otherwise disclose personal information to a third party for any other purpose without your consent unless it is authorised or required by law.
If you access our website, we may collect additional personal information about you in the form of your IP address or domain name. Our website may contain links to other websites; we are not responsible for the privacy practices and policies of linked and referenced websites and any linked websites are not subject to our privacy policies and procedures.
Information Storage and Security
Personal information collected by Marefat will be stored securely in electronic format. Marefat Ltd may store, process or back-up your personal information on computer servers that are located overseas. Only authorised employees from Marefat Ltd will have access to your information and this access will be structured in such a way to ensure our privacy policy stated in this document pertaining use and disclosure of information is followed. We will take reasonable steps to protect any personal information that we hold, from unauthorised access, modification, misuse, loss and disclosure. Amendments to this Privacy Statement Marefat Ltd may change this Privacy Statement at any time without prior notice. But a copy of the latest statement is always available in Marefat website and in the event of change or update in the policy, it will be communicated to users by suitable means (e.g., Email, Telegram, etc) as applicable.
Privacy Act 1988
This notice is provided for your information and is not intended to limit or exclude your rights under the Privacy Act 1988.
Complaints and Feedback
If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of the Privacy Act, Australian Privacy Principles or a privacy code that applies to us, please contact us as set out below and we will take reasonable steps to investigate the complaint and respond to you. If you are not happy with our response, you may complain directly to the Australian Information Commissioner. If you have any queries or concerns about our privacy policy or the way we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer at: Email address: Telephone: +61 426 710 787
More information
For more information about privacy in general, you can visit the Australian Information Commissioner’s website at