Chapter 6: Earthly and celestial elements

Chapter 6: Earthly and celestial elements

"Oh, wise Walnut tree," the little Date seed began, "I have a question that lingers within me. Please, share with me the path to blossoming. What is the secret behind the growth of a tiny seed? And how can I behold the Sun and dwell within it like you do?"

"My dear child," began the Walnut tree, "for every seed there exists a possibility of residence in the two different realms of this world, either beneath the ground or high in the sky. When a seed is underground, just like you are now, although it possesses all four elements of nature, its connection with the other three elements is only through the soil. In fact, it becomes a part of that soil, experiencing a complex mixture of the three other elements of nature within the soil and through it. But when a plant grows high in the sky, it experiences each of these elements separately and distinctly. As a tall tree, I can perceive the light and warmth of the Sun, the water, and the air as separate entities, each offering its unique essence."

The Date seed pondered the walnut tree’s response and asked, “Oh, wise tree, do you directly see and feel things like the soil, light, air, and water?”

The walnut tree replied, “Yes, indeed! That is correct. In the celestial realms, the laws differ greatly from those of the earthly domain. I experience the elements according to the laws of the sky, and it is not at all strange for me. Nature has bestowed upon us all the elements, but each individual must become the master of the other three elements of their own nature in order to learn from them and grow.”

The Date seed considered the words of the Walnut tree and replied with a newfound understanding, "So, dear tree, you and I are similar, except that I am a seed buried under the ground, without access to any of the elements, while you have control over all of them. Have I grasped the concept correctly?"

Walnut tree replied, "That's right. Having ascended to the sky, I have the power to obtain whatever I wish and to utilize it in any way I see fit for my own growth.

You are now a seed buried under the soil, and you are subject to the rules of the earth. Your physical form is called the lunar body, which is governed by the soil. This means that the other three elements, water, air, and light, are also controlled by the soil for you. You cannot regulate the amount of these elements you receive, and if they are not provided to you in the right amount, your lunar form will decay and perish. The law of the earth states that the soil owns everything, but the law of the celestial states that everything belongs to the Sun. The body that belongs to the Sun is known as the solar body. Such a body will never perish due to any earthly alteration. On earth, the soil governs all, whereas in the sky, the Sun serves all. The mercy of the sky is also owed to the presence of the Sun."

The Date seed said, "Oh wise tree, how do you accomplish this?

The Walnut tree replied, "My physical body consists of various parts that work together to acquire the necessary forces and nourishment. My roots absorb water and channel it within me, while my leaves know how to absorb and harness the sunlight. I have roots, trunk, stem, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits, and it is through these parts that I have learned so much. My growth is a result of the Sun's generosity and my relentless efforts. "

The Date seed inquired, "Are you suggesting that my elements are lunar or earthly, whereas yours are celestial or solar? Are my elements, being lunar, beyond my control, while yours, being solar, obedient to your command? If I were to reach for the sky like you, could I also harness the power of my elements through the mercy of the Sun? You know, Walnut, I must confess that I do not have much understanding of the sky and the Sun you speak of. I do not comprehend the meanings of words like leaves, trunk, flowers, and fruits, or even terms like lunar and solar bodies. But for some reason, everything you say feels as sweet as honey in my mouth, even if I do not exactly understand what you are talking about!"

The Date seed continued to contemplate, "the Walnut tree must be the emissary of the Sun. He said he holds the sun within himself, so I understand correctly. He is indeed the envoy of the sun."