Who We Are

Marefat School is dedicated to fostering people’s wellbeing by providing them means and practices to awaken their consciousness and connect with their inner wisdom, discover their true purpose, and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

School Programs

At Marefat School, we offer a comprehensive program designed to cater to students of different levels and stages in their spiritual journey.

External Service and Programs

Tailored programs, courses and meditation sessions for organisations and establishments

Community Support

All our services are provided free of charge. We are committed to offering valuable resources and teachings to our students without any fees. Although we accept donation to support our community.

Marefat Limited

Welcome to the public page of Marefat School. The Marefat school is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee which is established to be, and to continue as, a charity. Marefat School is dedicated to fostering people’s wellbeing by providing them means and practices to awaken their consciousness and connect with their inner wisdom, discover their true purpose, and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

0 Teachers
0 Coaches
0 Active Students

School Programs

At Marefat School, we offer comprehensive programs designed to cater to students of different levels and stages in their spiritual journey.

External Services And Programs

At Marefat School, we are open to extend our well-being programs to serve communities, organizations, corporates, and institutions. Through our external services, we offer tailored programs and courses designed to enhance the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of your team members, employees, or members.

Meditation Sessions

Our experienced instructors lead guided meditation sessions tailored to provide a suitable theme for the needs and objectives of your organization. These sessions provide a valuable opportunity for participants to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and improve focus and productivity.


Tailored Programs

We collaborate with you to develop customized programs that address specific challenges or goals within your organization. Whether you're looking to enhance team cohesion, foster creativity, or promote work-life balance, our tailored programs can help you achieve your objectives.



Marefat School offers a range of courses covering various aspects of personal and professional development, including mindfulness, resilience, emotional awareness. These courses are delivered in flexible formats to accommodate the needs of your organization, whether it be through workshops, seminars, or online learning platforms.


Empower Spiritual Growth for All

At Marefat School, we are committed to providing our students with invaluable resources and teachings at no cost. We firmly believe in making spiritual education accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial circumstances.

While our core teachings and resources are freely available, certain optional programs, such as excursions and retreats, may incur additional costs to cover their travel, accommodation and food. Despite this, we strive to keep these experiences as affordable as possible, allowing students to partake in transformative journeys outside the classroom.

Marefat school was originally founded through the dedicated efforts and financial sacrifices of visionary individuals to address the challenges of modern lifestyles. However, with the ever-increasing demand for support, we now require additional resources and financial aid to better serve both our local and global communities.

Your generous support is instrumental in sustaining our mission and enabling us to continue serving humanity. Together, we can foster a more enlightened and compassionate world.

Make a Difference Today

Join us in our journey towards positive change. Your donation can empower individuals to embark on their spiritual path and create a brighter future for themselves and others.


Student Testimonies