Chapter 7: A part of nature or a partner of nature

Chapter 7: A part of nature or a partner of nature

Walnut tree had spent the entire night in deep contemplation, reflecting on the invaluable experiences he had gathered over his two centuries of existence. These experiences were the hard-won treasures of a life marked by hardship and perseverance. In the quiet depths of his thoughts, he whispered, "Oh, if only I could share the wisdom I've gained, perhaps to ease the burdens of others. If they could learn from my journey, they wouldn't have to endure the same pain." A pang of sadness gripped him as he thought about the seeds suffering in the dark underground, deprived of light. At the same time, he felt the weight of his own frailty, knowing he had grown old and weak, unable to assist the flowers and plants around him that relied on his strength.

Walnut tree was lost in these thoughts when Date seed spoke: "Oh, wise tree, I wish to grow as tall as you. Turnip shares the same desire to reach the skies, and Cornstalk too aspires to be as grand as you. We all look up to you as our guide, hoping to grow like you, for you are our model, and we love you from the depths of our hearts."

Walnut tree replied, "Oh, Date seed, you are still small. Turnip has already sprouted and grown larger underground. Cornstalk has been reaching for the sky for some time now. But your nature is different from theirs. Every plant is unique. You have a hard outer shell that will not easily break, so you won’t sprout as easily. But when you do, after enduring the journey’s pain and hardships, you will grow into a strong and valuable tree, a tree of long life, never falling even in the harshest conditions. Your fruits will endure in nature. When Cornstalk was your age, it grew easily because of its thin husk, which allowed him to reach the sunlight quickly. But Cornstalk’s life span is not as long as yours. It will grow for a few months, while you, like me, will reach for the sky for years."

Feeling disheartened, Date seed said, "Oh, wise Walnut, is it fair? I long to see the Sun too. I want to grow quickly like Cornstalk and meet the Sun."

Walnut tree replied, "Even if it means a short life, followed soon by death?"

Date seed firmly responded, "Never! I want to grow tall like you and live a long life."

Walnut tree said, "Embrace your essence, dear Date seed. You have your own unique path to growth. Every creature in nature has its own way of thriving. Many will bear leaves, flowers, and fruits, but each will be different. If you try to imitate Turnip, you will only harm yourself, for no Date seed can become a Turnip."

Date seed, with sincerity, said, "Oh, wise Walnut, I accept your words with all my heart. I want to learn from you. Tell me how I can grow without disrupting my true nature."

Walnut tree responded, "I will teach you. I’ll also show you how to silence the unnecessary chatter of your mind so you can give your best in every moment. You can pass through the dark soil and reach the sky, but first, you must learn to befriend nature. Growth is impossible for those who oppose nature. To thrive, you must be in harmony with your heart and with everything within your essence."

Date seed asked, "What is nature? How can I befriend it? How can I meet and love it?"

Wise Walnut tree replied, "Nature is not something you can see directly. Everything around you is part of nature. Every element of your environment is a piece of it. Embrace all that exists, and nature will embrace you."

Date seed asked, "If I am friends with nature, what about Sun? Wouldn't befriending nature betray Sun? Or is friendship with nature the same as friendship with Sun?"

Walnut tree explained, "Nature has two aspects: the earthly and the celestial. The celestial part is Sun, while the earthly is the soil in which you reside. If you befriend all that you see, you’ll be in harmony with half of your world, which is a great honor for any being."

Date seed asked, "Oh, wise tree, do I also have flowers and fruits?"

Walnut replied, "Yes, indeed. You have both."

Date seed asked again, "Then where are they? Why can’t I see them?"

The ancient tree replied, "They are within you. You must search for them within yourself."

Date seed said, "But all I see inside is a hard shell—no flowers, no fruits, no leaves. Are they in the skies? How can I see them while I’m still underground?"

Wise Walnut tree smiled and said, "You will see them as you grow. When you’ve grown enough, you’ll bear leaves, flowers, and fruits. These are the heavenly, spiritual aspects of you that you will encounter as you rise. With their help, you will serve your world and become a true part of nature."

 Date seed asked, "So, I am not already part of this nature?"

Walnut tree replied, "You are already part of it. The difference is that today, you are a small seed, vulnerable to decay and death. But when you grow into a towering tree, you will not perish so easily. On that day, you will not just be part of nature; you will also be its partner and servant."