Chapter 12: The castle of our beliefs

Chapter 12: The castle of our beliefs

Another morning dawned, and Almond opened his eyes. He had recently learned that to grasp the mysteries of creation required observing with meticulous attention and unwavering focus. He understood that each moment brought new lessons—from Walnut tree, from nature, and from the universe itself. He was determined to absorb these insights, with a hope that one day, he might meet the Sun and the Gardener.

As he reflected on his conversations with Walnut tree, Almond began to realize something profound. Beneath the tree’s seemingly simple words lay subtle truths—truths he had yet to fully grasp. Lost in these thoughts, he was startled by the sudden sound of Date seed’s voice.

Date seed lamented how difficult life had become. Exhausted and disheartened, she turned to Walnut tree and said, "Oh, Walnut tree, how can I escape this sorrow? Which path leads to salvation? Why is life always so full of misery? It feels as though life is nothing but pain and suffering. I haven’t seen any sign of the Sun in ages!"

Her complaints poured out, but Walnut tree, smiling gently, just listened. Date seed’s heart was heavy with sorrow, and while Walnut tree understood his anguish, he chose to remain silent. Days passed in this way, until one day,  Radish began to grumble. Like Date seed, he, too, was weary and disheartened.

Almond pondered quietly, "I see it now. Walnut tree is an observer, He is extremely patient, but this vast patience has made him passive." He was lost in these thoughts when Walnut tree's voice broke through, addressing Radish:

"Dear Radish, what troubles you? Why do you grumble? You are here with me, and I care deeply for you. You are my beloved! Is it still right to complain?"

Encouraged by Walnut tree's gentle attention, Radish responded, "Oh, dear Walnut, I’m so tired of this loneliness! Everything around me feels cold and damp, as if the frost has already claimed the season. I don’t understand what’s happening with the Sun—its warmth no longer reaches me. How much longer must I endure this? How am I supposed to grasp the deeper meaning of life when all I feel is cold and isolation? Why am I here, all alone?"

Walnut tree listened patiently, even though Radish's complaints seemed endless and disjointed, with words blurted out from every corner of his thoughts.

Almond, utterly perplexed, thought to himself, "Walnut tree is truly peculiar. He claims to watch over all the seeds, yet poor Date seed has been suffering for weeks without so much as a word from him. But the moment Radish began to complain, he rushed to offer comfort."

Almond's mind was in turmoil, his thoughts tangled and chaotic. But then he recalled the deep trust he had in Walnut tree, and a sense of calm began to settle over him. As he watched closely, he noticed how patiently Walnut tree listened to little Radish, responding to his concerns with gentle kindness. It was a heartwarming sight to Almond. Compassion seemed to flow effortlessly between them, and soon, Radish's sadness melted away. His words grew lighter, carrying a hint of hope, as if sorrow had never touched him.

Some time passed after that occurance, yet Almond couldn’t stop thinking about it. Over and over, he replayed the events in his mind, each time uncovering a new layer of mystery that deepened his confusion. Finally, his patience ran out. He hurried to Walnut tree and exclaimed, "Oh, wise Walnut tree! I cannot understand your actions or the secrets behind your peculiar behavior. It has left me so unsettled. Why did you ignore Date seed's complaints, yet rush so quickly to aid Radish? It’s as if you’ve forgotten the harsh words Radish spoke about you just days ago. And Date—so loyal and sincere—was abandoned to her suffering. I wish I could understand what’s on your mind.”

Walnut tree smiled gently and replied, “If you can be patient a little longer, I will teach you in time.”

Almond said, “You know how deeply I wish to be like you and help everyone. Please, teach me how to do it. Show me the path to truly lend a helping hand.”

Walnut tree, who had been listening intently to Almond throughout the conversation, replied, “Dear Almond, as I’ve told you before, patience is key. Wait for the right moment—it will come in its own time.”

The patience Walnut tree spoke of wasn't easy for Almond. Yet, seeing no other choice, he reluctantly fell silent, retreating into his thoughts. As his mind wandered, a question began to take shape. Finally, he turned to Walnut tree and asked, “May I ask you one more question?”

Noticing that Almond's patience was nearly at its end, Walnut tree smiled gently and said, “Go ahead, my dear Almond. Ask your question, and I will answer.”

Almond said, “Do you remember how Radish, along with Turnip and the others who opposed you, spoke so harshly of you? Do you recall the accusations they made? At the time, I was deeply hurt by their words. My heart was broken, and I silently wept for you. When I saw Radish in distress, I thought, ‘This pain is the result of the cruel words you spoke about Walnut. You deserve this suffering for your unfair words against him.’ But today, I saw how you rushed to help Radish, and once again, I felt a pang of sorrow. Please, tell me why you did this?”

Walnut tree replied, “I will tell you, but I have a question first. Why did you feel hurt when Radish spoke ill of me?”

Almond answered, “Because he spoke so unfairly about you, and I don't believe you deserve such unkindness.”

Walnut tree then asked, “If someone, anywhere in the world, were to speak unjustly, would it upset you?”

Almond replied, “I’m not sure. I don’t think it would be like that, but it’s only natural to be hurt by unjust words. How can anyone remain indifferent to wrongs? How can one not feel pained by injustice?”

Walnut tree responded gently, “Reflect on my question once more, without trying to create a new question.”

Almond replied, “The more I think about it, the more I realize that not every unjust word, no matter who it’s about, upsets me. Not long ago, I heard many unfair things about the ancient trees of distant forests, yet they didn’t stir anything in me, and those words left no mark.”

Almond was surprised by his own words and fell into deep thought. With a sense of wonder, he asked, “What’s happening to me, wise Walnut? Why didn’t the harsh words of others affect me? I heard them, yet I moved on without a second thought. But when someone speaks ill of you, I feel unsettled. Why is it that I can bear the criticism of others so calmly, yet your name stirs something in me? Do you know why this is?” 

Walnut tree said, “I want to teach you an important lesson, one you should always keep in mind. You don’t truly grieve over unjust words. What causes you pain is when someone tries to destroy the inner creations of your mind and threatens the deeply held beliefs that reside within you.”

Almond gazed at Walnut tree in complete astonishment, unable to fully grasp his words. He thought to himself, “What is Walnut talking about? I’m speaking of Radish and the other trees of the forest, yet it seems Walnut is speaking from a different world. I will wait. Walnut always has a solid reason for everything he says.”

Noticing Almond’s astonishment, Walnut tree continued, “Whenever you form a belief, an opinion, or a conviction, it’s like building a strong fortress within yourself. When you say, 'Walnut tree is my wise and trusted guide,' you are creating a fortress of wisdom and guidance inside you. For every belief you hold, you build a corresponding fortress, and you do this for each belief and conviction. This is the first step in shaping a personal experience, and so far, there is nothing wrong with that. But it doesn’t end there. Once this fortress of belief is built, pride often emerges. Pride wants to show everyone that this is my fortress, the best fortress in the world, because my belief is the greatest. Sometimes, pride makes way for fear. Fear wants to conceal the fortress, while prejudice seeks to make it unchanging and impenetrable. There is nothing wrong with building your fortress—everyone must do so. The important thing is that, whenever you have a new experience, you must adjust and refine your fortress to reflect it. This is the natural process of the evolution of our thoughts and the growth of our inner world, which, in essence, is the evolution of our fortresses.” 

When building or restoring fortresses, three essential principles should always be kept in mind:

Pride seeks to proclaim to the world that its fortress is the finest and most perfect of all.

Fear wishes to conceal its fortress from others, hoping to safeguard it.

Prejudice insists on keeping its fortress unchanged, frozen in time forever.

In the first case, individuals consumed by pride feel their fortress tremble whenever they encounter opposing opinions. This imagined instability stirs feelings of distress, anger, and deep frustration within them.

In the second case, those driven by fear hide their fortresses deep within the recesses of their minds, shielding them from the gaze of critics. Though this secrecy keeps their fortresses safe from harm, it also prevents them from reflecting on or learning from their experiences. In the end, they have built fortresses that remain untouched but are destined never to serve a purpose.

In the third case, the dogmatic cling stubbornly to their fortress, refusing even the slightest repair or renewal. To them, any change is unthinkable, even if it’s to save their crumbling walls. Though their fortress may stand for a while, time is relentless. Slowly, its strength erodes, and it begins to decay. Eventually, it collapses into ruin, leaving nothing but a hollow, unusable shell.

So, my dear Almond, understand that your distress is not caused by the unjust words of Radish, but by the damage to one of your fortresses. Whenever you feel the need, build a fortress for yourself, but remember that this fortress is crafted by your own hands and is meant only for you. Its size, its shape, all are suited to your needs, and for this reason, it is the best fortress for you. What serves you well and brings you value may not be the same for others, and that’s perfectly fine. You must understand this. You must realize that your thoughts are yours alone. Others have their own thoughts, and they are free to hold onto them. Let go of the urge to prove your ideas to others, for otherwise, you will be insisting that your fortress belongs to others, and theirs belongs to you.

You must also know that if you cease to maintain and improve your fortress, there will come a time when it will no longer serve its purpose. Keep in mind that others are also building and enhancing their fortresses. If theirs isn't complete today, it may very well be tomorrow.

"Do not impose your fortress on others! Do not conceal it! Do not make it unchanging!"

Almond tree was so captivated by the profound lesson that he completely forgot his original question. Walnut smiled gently, satisfied with his decision to offer wisdom rather than a direct answer. He had shared a beautiful lesson, and Almond, content despite not receiving an answer, felt a deep sense of peace.