It had been a few days since Almond tree found himself in a state of peace and tranquillity.Throughout the day, he kept a close watch on his thoughts, frequently asking himself, "What am I thinking about right now?" He reflected on lingering questions like, "How is that seed doing?" and "Why is that other tree leaning to the side?"
Despite his ever-active mind, Almond tree stayed mindful and alert, making sure not to linger on distractions. Amidst this introspection, he noticed Walnut tree basking in joy. Curious, Almond tree asked, "Oh, Walnut tree! You seem so happy today. What brings you such joy?"
Walnut tree responded with a hearty laugh, "Indeed, I am overjoyed today, for I have witnessed the growth of a certain seed who has put forth much effort. Seeing the fruits of his labor fills me with immense joy."
A brief silence settled between them, making the sounds of other seeds and young plants clear. Amid this natural chorus of chatter, laughter, and the occasional grumble, the sorrowful cries of Date seed resonated, carrying a deep sense of distress. Concerned, Almond tree turned to Walnut tree and said,
"Oh, dear Walnut tree! Have you noticed Date seed's suffering? Her sorrow has ignited an unbearable fire in my soul."
Walnut tree responded with a cheerful tone, "Yes, I'm fully aware of her struggles, and I find joy in witnessing her resilience."
Baffled by this response, Almond tree was puzzled at how Date seed could be in such anguish while Walnut tree observed with joy. He pressed on, "Oh, my beloved Walnut tree, perhaps you haven’t looked closely, or maybe my words didn’t quite reach you. I said Date seed is in great pain, yet your response was one of happiness."
Walnut tree chuckled softly and replied, "Ah, Almond, let’s take a moment to view this from my perspective. Date seed is beginning to sprout, and from where I stand, it’s a truly beautiful sight. Can’t you see the beauty in it?"
Almond tree asked again, "Is she really growing? Then why does she look so distressed?"
Walnut tree replied, "I think it’s time to share a secret with you, something you should listen to carefully." With that, Walnut tree began to speak, and Almond tree listened with his usual keen interest.
"In this garden, and indeed in every garden, in every corner of this world, creatures and beings are bound by the inevitable burden of pain and suffering. In truth, all of creation is entangled in this suffering. Yet, this suffering comes in two forms: the first kind is the suffering that fosters growth, which we may call celestial suffering, and the second kind is the suffering born of decay, known as terrestrial suffering."
Every plant has two facets: the earthly and the heavenly. Its roots delve into the soil, while its leaves and branches stretch toward the divine heavens. When the earthly parts of a plant support the heavenly, the plant will thrive.
Although this process is accompanied by much pain and suffering, the result is growth toward the Sun, and this pain is known as the pain of growth. However, if the earthly parts fail to support the heavenly, no matter how much pain and hardship the plant endures, it will never grow. Even if the earthly parts serve the heavenly for a time and then cease, the plant’s growth will stop, and it will eventually wither away. This withering and decay is also a painful process, but no growth will emerge from it; this pain is called the pain of decay. Therefore, a plant must always be growing, with its earthly parts continually serving its heavenly parts.
Almond tree mused, "How fascinating! I used to believe that plants should never endure pain, thinking that such suffering was a sign of a problem. Yet now, I’ve come to realize that the pain of growth is remarkably sweet. Tell me, dear Walnut, what fate awaits a plant that has grown but finds its roots no longer serving its body, stems, and leaves?"
Walnut replied, "While it is still a mere seed, it has no communion with the Sun. At this stage, the plant’s interaction is solely with the four elemental forces. It is only when the plant has grown enough that its celestial parts emerge, allowing it to embrace the Sun's radiance while remaining connected to the elemental forces."
The connection between a plant and the Sun is established through its celestial components, the only parts to which the Sun directs its attention and radiance. However, for the plant to thrive, it must also remain connected to the four earthly elements and be nourished by the Sun’s light. If the roots fail to cooperate, the plant will eventually collapse.
Almond tree was fascinated by this lesson and asked, "Is Date seed experiencing beneficial growth through her struggles?"
Walnut tree firmly replied, "Absolutely! Just take a closer look at Date seed. She is sprouting new growth, and my heart celebrates her journey."
Captivated by the mesmerizing sight of Date seed, Almond tree found himself immersed in wonder and delight. Suddenly, a memory of Radish flashed across his mind, prompting him to ask, "Is Radish also undergoing a new growth phase? I vividly recall the day when you assisted Radish."
Walnut bestowed a gentle gaze upon Almond and responded, " Allow me to reveal another secret. Every seed receives a multitude of influences from the external world. If a seed, notwithstanding external pressures, endeavours from within, he or she will flourish, sprout, and blossom. Conversely, if succumbing to external conditions, the seed will wither and ultimately disintegrate. Countless seeds lie beneath the soil, decaying and spoiling, never afforded the opportunity to sprout. "
Almond tree asked, "You mentioned that you assist them just by observing. How can simply looking make any real change?"
Walnut tree explained with a soft laugh, "Let me shed some light on this mystery for you. My mere observation doesn't change their state directly. Instead, what I glean from watching and studying serves a dual purpose."
“First, I determine the nature of a seed’s suffering: is it the pain of disintegration or the hardship of growth?
Second, I assess the intensity of external pressures exerted upon the seed and evaluate its strength and capability.”
“If the seed is grappling with earthly suffering, there’s little I can do. But if it’s experiencing heavenly suffering, that’s where my care comes into play. In such cases, I maintain a vigilant watch over the seed, considering both the external pressures acting upon it and the seed’s inner potential.”
“If the seed’s power falls significantly short of the surrounding forces, I step in and communicate with it. I plant seeds of hope in its heart through my words and instill the strength to persevere. This way, the seed continues its journey with both effort and hope, compensating for its lack of strength. However, when the seed’s power and capacity fall only slightly below the required threshold, I remain a silent observer from a distance. In such cases, the seed will endure considerable suffering, and it may even harbor resentment toward me. Yet, I refrain from direct intervention, as patience becomes the more fitting approach. During this time, I remain vigilant, ready to act promptly whenever and wherever necessary.”
Almond tree remarked, "At first glance, you appear to be merely an observer. However, beneath the surface, your actions are imbued with a remarkable level of sophistication and intricacy."
Walnut tree replied, "Indeed, the greatest opportunity for a seed’s growth lies in its resilience against external forces. If I were to intervene at every sign of stress, I would deprive it of its ultimate chance to grow. So, dear Almond, as a guide, always be mindful not to become an enabler or hinder the seed’s development. Moreover, remember that if a seed faces significant challenges, never withhold your support. Instead, learn to offer just enough assistance to ensure the plant achieves its maximum growth. After all, every seed must rely primarily on its inner strength for growth. We can only create favorable conditions to a certain extent, but true growth always emerges from within and flourishes despite adversity. No external force alone can encourage growth unless the seed, amid external pressures, is making an active inner effort and showing determination.
Almond tree inquired, "How can we determine if external pressures are in harmony with the inner potential of each seed? What scale is used to measure the intensity of these forces and evaluate the seed’s capacities?"
Walnut tree, with a touch of regret, bowed his head and replied, "Unfortunately, I do not possess an answer to that question."
Almond tree pointed out, "Yet you are deeply involved in this work."
Walnut tree conceded, "Indeed, I engage in this work, but the methodology eludes me. I simply proceed. Nevertheless, I would suggest that through patience, perseverance, and, most importantly, compassion and love, you can support others. Perhaps, in time, you will unravel these mysteries."
Almond tree asked, "So, you’re suggesting that this understanding will emerge through effort and dedication?"
Walnut tree responded, "No, Almond, this wisdom isn’t gained solely through effort. Not all knowledge of the world can be earned through hard work alone. Some insights must be gifted by the Sun or the gardener. Yet, the Sun and gardener bestow such gifts on those who have demonstrated sufficient dedication."