Chapter15: Facing the Sun or like the Sun

Chapter15: Facing the Sun or like the Sun

After enduring days of hardship,  Date seed finally experienced a moment of relief and joy. She didn’t know where the joy came from or what had caused her earlier sorrow.

with a cheerful tone, she turned to Walnut and Almond, who stood side by side and said,  “Hello, dear Walnut! Greetings, lovely Almond! You both look so kind and beautiful today "

Walnut, attempting to conceal his delight behind a composed smile, nodded in response."

Meanwhile, Almond turned to Date seed and exclaimed, " “Oh, Date seed! Have you noticed you’ve sprouted? This calls for a celebration"

Surprised, Date seed asked," Sprouted? What do you mean? "

With a warm smile, Almond began explaining what had happened, while Walnut quietly stepped away to observe the garden on his own.

In a tranquil corner of the garden, a group of flowers and plants had gathered around Sunflower. Nearby Walnut tree could easily hear their conversation.

Sunflower began to speak, “Listen, seeds and plants. It’s essential for each of you to cultivate the quality I possess. Have you ever wondered why I’m so vibrant and beautiful? My beauty comes from the Sun because I always turn towards it. You too must learn to embrace and pay attention to the Sun, just as I do. It’s clear that those who ignore the Sun risk being seen as its enemies. I am a flower devoted solely to the Sun, and because of this, I am cherished deeply by it. I adore the Sun, and in return, it bestows its affection upon me.”

With a thoughtful glance at the Sunflower, Buxus remarked, “Your beauty is truly remarkable, and you bear a striking resemblance to the Sun. Are you genuinely so captivated by watching it all day long?”

The Sunflower replied confidently, “Absolutely! My sole focus is on the Sun, and I never miss a moment to follow it, from sunrise to sunset. I can even pinpoint its exact position in the sky at any given time.”

With a contemplative sigh, Buxus said, “Given your unwavering devotion, the Sun must hold an infinite love for you. I have never seen such profound fascination and enchantment with the Sun. As for me, I am often unaware of its sunrise and sunset. If I, too, were to watch it consistently, would I also begin to bear fruit?”

This captivating conversation slowly drew attention from seeds and plants in the garden.

Sunflower turned to Buxus and replied, “Yes, indeed! Gazing at the Sun brings forth plentiful fruits. If you wish to achieve an abundant harvest, you must devote yourself to observing Sun with unwavering focus and wholehearted commitment.”

Orange Tree, positioned on a high hill with a clear view of the garden and usually aware of its surroundings due to its elevated location, turned to Sunflower and said, “I usually stay updated on significant events in this garden and often know things that few others are aware of. However, I’ve never encountered such a notion before. Even though I bear plenty of fruits, I don’t always position myself to face Sun.”

Sunflower, upset by Orange Tree's words, responded with resentment, "You’re free to do as you wish; I’ve generously shared my experience with you. How much you benefit from it is entirely up to you." She turned away from Orange Tree and resumed gazing at Sun.

Hearing these words, Carrot became tearful. "So, if I’m always underground and unable to turn towards the Sun, does that mean I cannot grow?"

Sunflower impatiently responded, “Your inability to see the Sun has nothing to do with me. Go ask Orange Tree, who, according to all of you, is the ultimate sage of this garden!”

Walnut wore a troubled expression on his face, and Almond looked at him, waiting to hear his wise response to the arguments. However, Walnut had no intention of speaking.

At that moment, Turnip complained to Sunflower, “Oh, dear Sunflower! I’ve dedicated my entire life to studying the Sun, pondering and learning about it. Now you say the Sun doesn’t love me? Me, who has spent every sweet moment of life in pursuit of it?”

Sunflower, rapidly losing patience, responded with irritation, “Your inquiry has nothing to do with me. I don’t know the answer to your question. However, it’s clear that I represent the Sun, and I am the closest to it. If you all want to grow and bear fruit, you need to follow my lead. Otherwise, forget about it.”

After saying these words, Sunflower gathered her flowers, pulled her leaves together, and turned away from the other insolent plants.

Though Sunflower had fallen silent, the entire garden was in turmoil and chaos. Everyone was upset and distressed, desperately searching for a way to ease their worry and anxiety.

Almond Tree, unable to tolerate the silence any longer, whispered calmly in Walnut's ear, "Oh, my dear Walnut! Don’t you want to say something? Only you can extinguish this blaze. It’s in your hands."

Then, turning to the crowd, he said, "Shouldn't we seek answers to our questions from our wise sage, the Walnut? Don't we all trust in his wisdom and judgment?"

Silence enveloped the surroundings, and soon all the plants and saplings nodded in agreement.

Walnut Tree, unwilling to join the commotion, spoke calmly, "Dear friends, I have a suggestion. Before I say anything, let’s take some time to contemplate this matter."

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Walnut to continue.

"Tonight, let’s each reflect on the aspects of the Sun that we possess within ourselves and those we still need to attain. Contemplate this in the silence of the night, in the solitude of your thoughts. Tomorrow, we will share the conclusions we draw from our reflections."

Everyone agreed with his suggestion and went to a secluded place, seeking answers to Walnut's question in solitude.

Morning arrived, and Walnut Tree called all the seeds and saplings together. "Is anyone willing to share their insights and discuss them with others?" he asked.

The plants remained silent, eagerly awaiting Walnut Tree to continue. The wise tree then asked, "Would you like to hear the results of my contemplation?"

The plants responded eagerly, "Certainly, we are eager to hear from your wisdom and knowledge, O wise and knowledgeable tree."

At that moment, Walnut Tree turned to Sunflower and said, "Oh, beautiful flower that closely resembles the Sun! Have you considered the impact of your words yesterday on the hearts of others? Have you noticed the anger, sorrow, and despair that your words, like arrows, brought upon your companions?"

Sunflower, deeply embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "Yes, I saw how my words broke hearts and made them sorrowful. But I only meant to..."

Walnut continued, "Do you think it's possible that the pure, powerful force of the Sun could break hearts, burn, and leave hopeful souls in such desolation and despair?"

Captivated by Walnut's composure and tranquility, Sunflower responded with utmost humility, "No! Truly, the power of the Sun plants nothing but love, vitality, and hope in hearts."

Walnut then asked, "Oh charming flower, who rivals the Sun in beauty! Is your speech, behavior, and expression also like the Sun? Are you a source of illumination and warmth, dispelling coldness and spreading light?"

Sunflower, filled with misery, replied, "No! My words have only sown coldness in hearts and created despair and division among friends."

Walnut Tree continued, "My dear ones, I ask you to deeply contemplate my question before responding. We all know that becoming like the Sun is a lofty goal, but do you think it holds its own merits? What kind of growth will we achieve if we spend the entire day staring at the Sun without striving to be Sun-like? How will we become as great as the Sun if we devote our entire lives solely to worship and adoration without learning from it? Isn’t it better to be Sun-like and shine ceaselessly, just like the Sun, instead of merely observing it? Isn’t it more fitting to act like the Sun rather than just talking and listening about it? Should we resemble the Sun in appearance, or strive to embody its essence and character?"

"There is a significant difference between these two approaches. Attaining the lofty status of the Sun lies in understanding this distinction. The first group sees the Sun in appearance and seeks to resemble it superficially. However, the second group comprehends the essence of the Sun and aims to embody it fundamentally. They speak, act, and think like the Sun. They radiate incessantly and selflessly, without expectation, and free from the history of good and evil of the recipients of their light. Those who act like the Sun will create the Sun within themselves."

The entire garden fell into deep silence, and no one dared to utter a word. Even the birds seemed enchanted by the eloquent words of Walnut Tree.

Almond Tree, having grasped the essence of Walnut Tree's words to some extent, exclaimed, "Oh, majestic Walnut Tree! If I understand correctly, you are the radiant Sun of our garden! Your brilliance has consistently illuminated our surroundings. Generously, you have supported us and swiftly come to our aid in moments of crisis. Your teachings have bestowed wisdom upon us, guiding us out of the depths like a beacon. Until this moment, I failed to fully grasp the extent of your Sun-like presence in our cherished garden!"

Walnut chuckled and responded, "I am not the Sun of this garden! I’ve flourished under the watchful care of the gardener and the caress of sunlight. Their teachings have shaped me, guiding my growth in their likeness. I am but a symbol, a representative in this verdant garden."

At this moment, Buxus asked, "Can I, too, be like the Sun, Walnut? I have always carried a burden, yearning to turn towards the Sun like the Sunflower. Is it within my reach to radiate warmth and light, just as the Sun does?"

Then Turnip spoke up with quiet confidence, "Well then, I can be like the Sun too, for I share my knowledge with others. In that way, I am akin to the Sun, radiating its light."

Orange Tree also chimed in, joining the conversation, "I too can bear abundant fruits, and like the Sun, I shall share them generously with everyone. Henceforth, I will strive for my words to carry the same enlightening warmth as the Sun."

A wave of joy and enthusiasm swept through the entire garden as each inhabitant pondered how they, too, could emulate the Sun and mirror its benevolent actions.

Amidst the commotion, Walnut’s voice resonated, commanding attention. "Let us make a pact," he proclaimed, his words cutting through the chatter. "Promise one another to embody the radiance of the Sun, to illuminate each other’s paths. Remember, our outward constraints and innate abilities do not limit our journey to become Sun-like. Regardless of form or essence, we all possess the capacity to shine like the Sun."

Walnut’s voice continued, infused with joy. "Imagine the splendor of a garden where every fruit, tree, and plant, united by strength and genuine intent, support and serve one another from the depths of their hearts and souls. Let us collectively choose to embody the essence of the Sun for a season, radiating tirelessly and selflessly upon others with every ounce of strength we possess."

Walnut continued his discourse and shared a tale: "Once, the gardener told me a story that may intrigue you. Long ago, there was a garden whose plants and seeds were much like us. They cherished and worshipped their Sun, just as we do. However, unlike us, they quarreled over their Sun. Despite praising their Sun, their hearts were filled with anger and animosity. Each one believed they were the sole recipient of the Sun’s love and approval, leading to constant conflicts. Eventually, their disputes consumed them, and the entire garden withered away. The Sun, looking down on them, said, 'You all praised my virtues, but none of you mirrored my actions. Your desire for me was superficial.' Then, the Sun destroyed them all and wiped them out."